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White Castle Burger Survey

Do you love to eat the famous White Castle burgers? Would you like to see additional menu options? Or, did you have issues when you visited White Castle? The company offers a survey option for you to provide honest feedback online.White Castle

The Feedback Option

The feedback option for White Castle is available for customers who have visited the store. This survey site is hosted by Mind Share Technologies which works with companies to gain info from customers and help make research easier. The information you provide online with be held in strict confidence and only be shared with White Castle.

This survey is available in English as well as Spanish. When you first visit the survey site, choose the language of choice followed by clicking the white arrow to move to the next page.

Next, you will need to enter the six digit code located on your most recent paper receipt. The code is located right below the phone number of the store you visited. To continue proceeding through the survey, please use the arrows in the middle of the survey pages. At any time, you can move forward or backward to enter information.

White Castle Information

White Castle has provided family fun since 1921. They are one of the first fast-food chains for hamburgers. Cravers on the menu are small but White Castle offers a large variety of options. Menu options are available online on the company site.

Did you know you can view Cook Off Winner Recipes online? Individuals have created some unique recipes using White Castle sliders. A few of the recipes include Sloppy Sliders, Morning Crave, Enchiladas d White Castle Burgers, and Spicy White Castle Dip.

Providing Feedback

Although White Castle has been very successful in business, they still desire to hear your personal thoughts and opinions. They would love for you to take their survey online at www.whitecastle.com/survey. The information you provide will be taken seriously and they are committed to providing the best possible service to you and your family!

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