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Valu Land Survey

Do you enjoy shopping Valu Land? Do you like the prices the company offers on produce and meats? The company is offering a chance for you to voice your opinions online and rate their products as well as services.Valuland

Valu Land Survey Option

The Valu Land survey option is available at the survey link provided. This survey is hosted by Service Management Group which offers research services to a wide variety of companies.

When you first visit the survey site, you will need to enter in an 18 digit code which is printed on your store receipt. Then, click the Start button to proceed through the survey questions.

Providing honest feedback will bring benefits to your family as well as others. Letting the grocery store company know how you rate them will allow the information to be collected from all results giving the company a better view of how they stand.

Valu Land Online

Did you know Valu Land has an online site? They offer the community the option to view local ads based on your zip code. Valu Land also offers recipes, events lists, nutritional information, as well as the option to build your shopping list for your next visit. The store is part of the Spartan Stores group.

Valu Land Goals & Progress

The goal of Valu Land stores is to offer the best quality foods at the lowest possible prices. If you do not feel they are offering this to the community, please take a few moments to fill out the survey option. This is a great way to offer your true and honest view of the company.

Valu Land Newsletter

Valu Land also offers a customer newsletter online. When you visit the home page, there is an option provided in the lower left hand corner of the page. It will show the title Inside Valu Land. When signing up for the newsletter, you will be provided with up to date information directly delivered to your personal email box.

Take the Valu Land survey today at www.valulandsurvey.com!

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