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Boots Survey Invitation

Boot is offering an invitation to clients who have used their services. If you received an invitation survey card in the mail, please take a few minutes to participate in the survey responses.Boots

Invitation Card Survey

If you received an invitation for the survey – then have your card handy when you access the site. You will need to enter a 10 digit code that is listed on the bottom of the card. It may be labeled as “a unique respondent code.”

Please take a few moments to let Boots know how they are doing. They are working hard to be a strong force for the community. They care about what you have to say and want to provide you with the very best options. They offer group care, health assessments, as well as dosage monitoring.

When you complete the survey invitation offer, you will be entered to win in their monthly drawing. You may even win an instant prize from Empathica.

To read more info about their other survey options, please take a look at one of our most popular blog posts for Boots. There you will find info on joining the pharmacy survey option. You can also take a look at the Boots Customer Survey option for the UK here.

Visit the survey site located at www.bootscareservices.com, today!

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